Our Footprint

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Supported Living

Supported Living

Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support

Respite Care

Respite Care

Registered Residential Care

Registered Residential Care

Our Carbon Footprint


At Encompass Care, we understand the importance of sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint as part of our commitment to Enviromental and Social Governance (ESG). We believe that small steps towards sustainability can make a big difference, and we are committed to taking action to reduce our impact on the environment.

One of the steps we have taken to reduce our carbon footprint is going paperless as an organisation. We have implemented digital systems for communication, document management, and record keeping. This has not only helped us to reduce our paper usage, but it has also made our processes more efficient.

In addition to going paperless, we also have a cycle-to-work scheme for our employees. This scheme encourages our staff to cycle to work instead of driving, reducing the number of carbon emissions produced by commuting. We also promote the use of car-sharing, which allows staff who do need to drive to work to share their journeys with colleagues.

Our recent move from a large head office building to a smaller, more sustainable office with lower energy usage has also helped reduce our carbon footprint. Additionally, we promote hybrid working for our departmental staff, which reduces the number of people driving to work every day and supports a better work-life balance for our employees.

Another way we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint is by getting involved with national environmental initiatives. For example, we participated in the No Mow May campaign, which encourages people to let their lawns grow wild for the month of May to support pollinators such as bees and butterflies. This allowed us to reduce the amount of energy and resources used in lawn maintenance while also creating a haven for pollinators.

We also took part in World Bee Day, where we were donated bee-friendly seeds from local garden centers. These seeds were then delivered to our services, allowing us to plant them in our gardens and create habitats for bees and other pollinators.

By getting involved with these national environmental initiatives, we are able to make a positive impact on the environment while also raising awareness about the importance of sustainability and protecting our planet.

At Encompass Care, we are committed to making a difference in our community and beyond by taking practical steps towards sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint. We will continue to explore new ways to reduce our impact on the environment and create a more sustainable future for all.


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